The King’s Church is an outpost (Eph. 3:10) of Christian community devoted to loving our neighbor (Gal. 5:14), serving one another (1 Peter 4:10) and honoring Jesus (Col. 3:17) in all that we do. Transformed by the Gospel; we follow the teachings of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ; and encourage humble and missional living as we anticipate His return.
Watch Katie and Stephen Coppenrath explain the heart behind planting The King’s Church in Ontario.
We will be responsible for one another spiritually. Discipleship will be the agenda of almost every conversation.
We will open our homes to our friends, families, and neighbors with the intention to share Christ as we break bread together.
We will contribute to the flourishing of the city. We will concern ourselves thoughtfully about what happens in our community. We will pray for and support our city leaders, businesses, and schools.
We will be a New Testament church that practices the one-anothers. We will be committed to one another, care for one another, and submit to one another. We will think covenantly rather than individualistically.
The early church in Acts began as 120 people praying together and has multiplied ever since to millions of Christians today, worldwide. This is a work we are called to join God in. We will not forget our beginnings as a church plant and we want to have a hand in planting as many churches as God will allow.